Communiqués de presse

Translating in a Time of War

Translating in a Time of War

Mele is from Tonga where she’s part of a translation team working on the Tonga Old Testament. She came to Jerusalem to become a consultant who can oversee multiple translation projects from biblical Hebrew straight into local languages.

Share the Whole Story of Easter

Share the Whole Story of Easter

As we approach the traditions of Good Friday and Easter, how do we understand their world-changing events and the big story they tell? Jesus himself explained what was happening through the events of the Passover – during the Passover meal, he took highly symbolic...

A Taste of the Kingdom

Un avant-goût du Royaume

Nous avons la chance d'avoir des mentors et des enseignants hébraïques talentueux qui guident nos étudiants au quotidien. Écoutez l'une d'entre elles, Cherith, partager son cœur pour la traduction intégrale de la Bible et la communauté de traducteurs de notre programme à Jérusalem.