Sukkot: Celebrating Belonging

अक्टूबर 6, 2020 | Latest News


Celebrating Belonging

The festival of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) is one of the greatest rituals God gave in the Original Testament. Sukkot celebrates the sense of shelter and belonging He provides for us, even as sojourners in this world–a home wherever He dwells.

Right now many of us may be feeling a lack of stability due to the ever-changing world environment. Whether personally, corporately or financially, we may be in a sort of “wilderness” where it is often hard to find belonging and extend ourselves to others. But the story behind Sukkot is a beautiful promise from God that we can depend on Him and hold to His promises, that He has gone before us to prepare a permanent dwelling. 

This 7-day festival is a time of joy, rest and remembering the continual home of God’s presence. It was given to remind God’s people of His provision in the wilderness. Today families gather in “sukkas”—temporary shelters put up next to homes and in gardens, decorated richly with colorful paper chains and ornaments. They eat meals and watch the stars at night under an open roof, a reminder of the majesty of the Creator and His command to welcome others and give as we have been given. 

This week we wish you a happy Sukkot, and pray you are richly blessed with the promise of God’s presence, celebrating your belonging in His Kingdom. Please continue to pray with us for others to know that belonging, through the powerful story of God’s faithfulness in the wilderness and all of the promises in His whole Word. 


We have shared this short film before, but in case you missed it, the family is building a “sukka” for Sukkot!

Hag Sameach!
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